regional conference committee(CRC)
The CRC Committee is comprised of a Delegate and an Alternate Delegate from each chapter in the region. The Delegates and Alternates are expected to attend the Chapter Regional Conference, which is a meeting of representatives and officers from chapters in a given region. The Chapter Regional Conference is Chaired by the region’s Director and Regional Chair (DRC). The location of a Chapter Regional Conference typically rotates among the chapters in the region.
A. The chapter selects a Delegate and an Alternate to serve on the Chapter Regional Committee.
B. The Delegate should be the President, the President-Elect, a Vice-President or the Immediate Past President. The Alternate should be a member of the BOG and, preferably, a chapter officer.
C. No individual should serve for more than two consecutive years in either of these positions and not more than four consecutive years in both positions.
The delegate and alternate take office on July 1 and serve for a period of one year. For Regions with spring CRCs, the delegate and alternate take office at the CRC and serve until the next spring CRC. In the event of disability, death or resignation, a replacement may be made by the chapter’s BOG, or as provided in the chapter bylaws.
Accreditation of delegates and alternates from a chapter to the CRC is accomplished in the CIQ by the due dates listed in Section 7.1.B. of the MCO. If a change in the delegate or alternate is required during the Society year, the chapter’s BOG will make the selection and certify the change to the Society and to the DRC through the secretary of the chapter.
Although last minute changes are to be discouraged they are sometime necessary. In this event, the DRC must be advised of the change and the reason for it in writing, with as much advance notice as possible.
The chapter delegate or alternate to the Chapters Regional Conference represents the chapter at the CRC and reports to the chapter and BOG at the first chapter meeting after the CRC, and at any other time when requested. They shall also maintain liaison between the chapter and the DRC, as well as other chapters. Officers, delegates and alternates will be reimbursed for CRC attendance in accordance with Society’s Transportation Policy, which is excerpted in Appendix 2B.